Wednesday, August 29, 2007 

How I Overcame A Stuttering Problem That Had Affected My Life For Eighteen Years

My name is Steve Hill and in this article I am going to write about the way in which I managed to overcome the speech impediment commonly known as stuttering or stammering. The stutter had had a major impact on my life and by the age of twenty-two I could bare it no more. I then commenced a long and emotional journey which I am thankful to report ultimately led to the promised land of fluency.

I have heard many people talk about their particular goals in life. I want to achieve this or that they say. I also had a goal as I grew up, the goal started when I was a child, continued through my teenage years and was still present as I entered into adulthood. My goal was not to become a footballer, a dentist or doctor but was instead to one day be able to speak without the fear of stuttering. A stutter free life would be just perfect for me.

Despite having this form of speech impediment I was actually quite a confident person. The real Steve Hill rarely made an appearance in the real world but on the inside I was buzzing with ideas as to what I would do and become if only I could eradicate this horrible stutter.

Aged twenty-two I decided to go to war with my stutter. This was a battle I was determined not to lose, I would leave no stone unturned in my quest to beat the stutter. I wanted to be fluent, therefore I studied how fluent people spoke, how they breathe, how they handle pressure, how they formulate and pronounce all of the sounds that I was unable to say such as b, v, g, d, and m words, and how they managed to speak on that dreaded contraption they call the telephone.

It took me nearly a year to achieve fluency and of course I have only described a very small part of the process in this article.

I have now been fluent for eleven years and I now have a career as a speech coach where I teach people who stutter the techniques that I were successful for me. This coaching is in the form of a speech course, a booklet or a seventy minute dvd.

Stephen Hill runs The How To Stop Stammering Centre, he has a number of websites including:

stammering information

stuttering therapy

stuttering treatments

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